I'm Soph, and as the name suggests I produce Rei and Keito. I also ship them, though I guess most people would assume that anyways- if that makes you uncomfortable I suggest you just don't interact with me because I will not tag me talking about them for your sake. If I don't follow you back it's probably either due to anxiety or maybe you ship something I don't want to see on my TL often- it's literally nothing personal and I'll still talk to you regardless I'm just doing it for the sake of both of us. If you don't DM me I probably won't follow back. I'll also translate sometimes but this is a personal account first and foremost- so please don't idolize me or follow me expecting translations consistently or whatever you're going to be blasted with the tweets of a stupid person that likes reikei. Also don't relate what my friends do to me I'm not my friends I'm my own person. We may have some of the same views but no one in ever condones every damn thing other people in their life do- so yes I can disagree with people and still be their friend I don't know how people do it otherwise.

Everything beyond here is eyestrain and an attempt to scare you off of my account if you're just here for translations in the exact manner that a lizard with a frill will raise it to look bigger and be intimidating when scared to hell and back please don't perceive me please too many new people is super scary

Well, during that dreary childhood of mine... I happened upon a demon one day.

As if a lonely child was having a vision of an imaginary friend, I caught sight of Rei Sakuma.

For some reason, that guy seemed to enjoy taking walks in graveyards as a hobby... Whenever a Buddhist memorial service took place, I would see him around funeral homes or the vicinity.

I thought I was hallucinating at first. In those days, and even now, he had a beauty that didn't seem to be of this world. The first time I saw him, I screamed and fell over backwards...

He still makes fun of me about that.

Anyway, no one could ignore such a beautiful boy like that, so the people visiting for funeral services would often talk to him.

And, every time, they were sure to quickly take a liking to him.

In the end, everyone started asking him for his opinion on matters. He would unravel their troubles, and they began to seek his guidance eagerly.

That was just how intelligent he was, even back then.

On top of that, rather than be boastful about it, he would instead happily talk to others. Anyone would like someone like that.

Before one even knew it, devotees who didn't have any business with the funerals would show up just to get a chance to talk with him.

It was eccentric. He would sit atop a tombstone indiscreetly, surrounded by men and women of all ages as they silently listened to him talk...

Distinguished adults would bow their heads and beg him to teach them.

It was almost frightening. But seeing as how I was also a child at the time, I had the notion that I was the most distinguished of all.

I was proud and assumed that I was the smartest; that I had an understanding of the logic of this world.

And so, at times, I would challenge Sakuma-san to verbal disputes. I would head over to the graveyard whenever I was struck with an idea and dump my thoughts on him.

He would listen to me as if he was having fun.

Thinking back on it now, it's as if a small child made a big discovery in their own special way... and went about reporting it to their beloved parents.

He would organize the entangled points of my argument that I had feverishly built up and grant me breakthroughs in the areas where I was at a loss.

He would refer me to reference books and give me a conclusion in a single leap.

Whenever I talked to him, I also felt a peace of mind. Even if I didn't think something through myself, as long as I asked him, he would teach me anything...

After experiencing that personally, I was almost about to abandon all thought and reasoning.

But, before long, I became scared of him. As long as he was there, then someone like me wouldn't be needed.

It was clear that he was different from others. To put it in a transcendental sense, he surpassed them.

He was the one and only all-knowing God, while the rest of us were just insignificant faces in the crowd.

If you were to get close to him, you'd shrink into that trifling existence.

As soon as I realized that, just when I started my adolescence and my ego started to sprout, I became frightened.

After meeting a person who made my existence worth nothing, I ran away to protect my pride...

Since then I didn't really talk to him, and I grew up without getting involved in his affairs.

We then reunited in high school, and, since he would call out to me casually, we became close enough to start having conversations again, but..

I still can't wipe away that fear I felt back then.

I'm not the protagonist of this world's story...

I'm just one of the many minor characters that can be replaced whenever– No, I'm little more than part of the background. Being around him makes me feel that awful sense of my place.

If I'm not needed in this story, in this world... then why was I born? I've pondered over that to nearly the point of death.

Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Oogami?

It seems like you desire to be close to that guy, but... humans aren't strong enough to maintain their sanity while living alongside a god.

If you disagree

Do not interact WITH ME!!!

( Made with Carrd )